The fastest way to be paid!

Fast and reliable monetization solutions for dealers and OEM’s. Request a demo

Welcome to BUSiPAY's Automotive monetization technology.

BUSiPAY is a specialised money supply solutions provider to the automotive industry. BUSiPAY's purpose is to deliver monetization solutions to the global automotive sector by advancing your future income today, without the need for debt. A purpose-built technology that seamlessly integrates with your dealer management system (DMS) for real time payments to dealers and their employees.
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Thanks to BUSiPAY accessing your commissions is simple.

Watch the video here BUSiPAY

For our Dealer Partners

BUSiPAY is a world-first, monetization solution provider for the US automotive industry, delivering fast and reliable, off-balance sheet, monetization solutions to automotive dealers across the US.

BUSiPAY provides an innovative online service offering, fast-tracked to support industry payment solutions for dealers and their employees.

Whether it's monetization solutions for sales, commissions, dealer holdback, monthly and quarterly OEM incentive programme money - BUSiPAY has the solution to advance tomorrow's money today.

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For our OEM and NSC partners

BUSiPAY believes a good partnership is about adding value and delivering a win-win outcome. OEM and NSC’s have always led the way in supporting dealers with good product and a professional support network, and dealers have been the frontline brand ambassadors for your most valuable partner – the customer.

We believe there’s a significant opportunity to add immense value through strategically designed monetization programmes for your agency and franchise dealer partners.

Our team of expert automotive executives understand how important policy and compliance is to anything you do. Our current programme strategies take your policy and compliance into account, the outcome being an innovative suite of monetization strategies for unconditional incentive programmes that will add immense value to your dealer network.

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